November 09, 2006

UPDATE!!! I can no longer access Blogger, even through my sneaky superhaxor routes...So I will be posting through a proxy, namely my lovely sister.

Phenomenon encountered daily on my way to school:
Crossing the Four Circles of Hell...aka crossing four lanes of swerving bicycles, snazzy black government VW's and Audi's, and large produce trucks (all of the aforementioned being steered by citizens on their mobile phones).
"Baby in a Basket"... The choice transport for small infants is bundling them in coats and blankets and then placing them in the baskets on the back of the swerving bicycles.
The Scent of Progress!! Also known as severe air pollution, this takes the forms of four unique smells in my neighborhood: McDonald's ice cream cones, Cannabis, Limestone, and marshmallows.

For the past two weeks I have had my students practice their Oral English by interviewing each other. Here are some of my favorite questions and responses:
Q. How many times a day do you stare at yourself in the mirror?
Q. Do you like your boyfriend? A. I don't have a boyfriend Q. ...Do you like me?
Q. Do you think you should lost weight?
Q. Who is your favorite super star? A. The Russian Prime Minister.
Q. If two people you knew were drowning, who would you save first? A. That is a difficult question...because I do not know how to swim.

There is some construction going on around my campus...Upon viewing the latest modifications I had to wonder to myself if it was such a good idea for them to knock down the entire first floor when there seems to be nothing supporting the second floor.

In case you were wondering if I've been keeping up with the latest in US news, yes, I absolutely have. For example, Neil Patrick Harris. I totally already knew that. Didn't we all?!?

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