There are certain things you can do in China, that you can't do in America, and vice versa. It is these few niceties that make life all the more interesting, and beautiful.
Things you can only do in China:
-Stare at the sun for as long as you like, without damaging your retinas. As far as I can see, this may be the only benefit of the horrendous levels of pollutants that lead to dense grey smog.
-Feed 6 people a filling and sumptuous meal for under 7 US dollars.
-Comfortably pick your nose, hock loogies, urinate, and defecate in public.
-Buy movies before they hit theaters in the US. Thanks to this, and the abundance of Chinese food, everyday is Christmas for me.
Things you can do in the States, but certainly not in China:
-Cross the street safely.
-Start a war with Iraq.
-Speak your mind without fear of government reprisal.
-Eat General Tsao's Chicken.
Conversation of the Week:
(The following took place in a McDonald's, during lunch rush. The dialogue and names have been modified for my own amusement, but honestly reflect the content of the orignal exchange.)
Crock: I'm suprised none of us have gotten lice yet.
Jilary: Why on earth did you say that?
Crock: Well, everyone here seems to have it.
Jilary: I have no idea why you are saying this.
Crock: They all have those little white things in their hair!
Jilary: That's dandruff.
Crock: (Brief Silence) ...It looks like they have legs...
wow! that is one fantastic blog! keep up the good work!
1) I don't know why, but I found the "Movies+Chinese Food=Christmas every day" line hilarious. Maybe its because I haven't been sleeping right.
2) I still think that some kind American soul should tell the Chinese about General Tsao and his chicken, because I bet they would like it.
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