June 07, 2007

The long days of intense summer heat, and the lack of air conditioning in my classrooms, have only served to intensify my affinity for Tang. Ahhhh.

What do I like most about summer? Well, to put it simply, popsicles. The Chinese have nearly perfected the art of the popsicle with a myriad of flavors, shapes and textures. However, they still have a ways to go on the sewage and transportation systems.

The cost of living in the Shizz varies widely according to my cheese cravings. A simple lunch of an egg and veggie wrap, with a pineapple popsicle of course, only runs me 5 yuan. An all out binge at the World Trade Plaza, never complete without pillaging their tiny cheese selection, totals a whopping 98-120 yuan.

1 comment:

David Stokes said...

You like Cheese? You never told me!