Payday was not nearly as exciting as hoped for. This was probably because I didn't actually get paid today. My paper work is just getting started in the system. This resulted in Jenny saying, "Maybe you get paid tomorrow, or Wednesday, or maybe Thursday." If food wasn't so darn cheap here I'd probably freak out. The highlight of the day, since there was no paycheck, was having clean sheets put on my bed. The suspicious tomato stain is now gone!
"Keep it secret. Keep it safe." At any given time in the evening, there is an English or American film on the television. However, whether or not the film is still in English, or dubbed in Chinese, is always fun to find out. For the last couple of days it's been LOTR. Golem still inspires pity in me and those dark horsemen make me want to hide under my incredibly uncomfortable bed. Back to the point! Turns out some English/American movies are much more tolerable when dubbed in Chinese. This is especially true for anything with Vin Diesel, Milla Jovovich, and/or vampires, in it.
About that mountain I climbed on Saturday...My legs are still aching something terrible. The pain is assuaged only by the fact that I totally peed on the side of the mountain. Ha! Take that Mount Xiantai! To be honest though, the mountain-side has been the cleanest public restroom I have encountered in this country. Thanks to "Someone," who shall remain nameless, I have now most assuredly eaten pork. To be fair, the Chinese are quite deceptive and tend to tell me everything is chicken...those sneaky people! This has led to two developments/conclusions. 1. Pork tastes like chicken. 2. I no longer order Tang Su Li Ji...or whatever the hell that was.
There was a super scary looking bug, vaguely resembling a silverfish, that just skittered across my floor. I killed it. I'll let you know when the remorse sets in... I am relatively sure it came from the Paleolithic or Pre-Cambrian period, by way of Under My Bathtub. Time to buy some's funny how they don't have Lysol or Clorox here, but they have plenty of Raid.
Since I finally got my new mouse to function, on my evil Chinese computer, I am now able to perform any task that requires clicking, highlighting and dragging. Yes, that means I can play Solitaire. Go ahead, imagine how this has impacted the time spent on my lesson preparation...
Being a teacher is not nearly as sexy as those music videos make it out to be...having been constantly covered in a coat of chalk dust for the last three weeks may well have forced me to that conclusion.
At any given time of the day, my bowels start to twist as though they want to jump out of my body. I attribute this to the red chili flakes they sneak into all the food here. Or maybe it's the fact that the market I lunch in has deplorable standards of sanitation. The thought of using a Chinese Squatty Potty is usually enough to make the feeling subside.
1 comment:
So it's my Fault is it?
Ji(rou)is the word for Chicken.
Zhu(rou) is the word for Pork.
Tang Cu Li Ji most certainly SHOULD be chicken. BUT THIS IS CHINA-what you see is not always what you get, and what you ask for never is.
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