October 30, 2006

Looking for cheap phone cards to call China? Well here's a great site to try! (I am shameless...)www.ecallchina.com
Before I came to China, Blogger was banned. Upon my arrival, it was un-banned (coincidence?). However, it is now un-un-banned. Therefore, I can still make posts through Blogger Beta, but I have to go through a proxy to view my blog. Yes, very exciting. Henceforth, I vow to only post the most critical points (seeing as it takes much too long to navigate the Chinese web and post). Therefore, it may take awhile to gather said material. Also, there may be many more spelling/grammatical errors (which I abhor!), seeing as I can no longer easily gaze at the culmination of my genius, for hours on end, which I am wont to do...
My diet to lose 10 pounds has been entirely successful...This is entirely owed to the fact that I have moved to a nation without readily available cheese. However, I have discovered the Nestle Crunch Bars at my campus convenience store. If I do not manage to restore my rotund-ness via chocolate and crisped rice, I plan on doing so upon my return to the States by visiting The Melting Pot, The Better Cheddar, and Dean & Deluca...many, many times. Family members, plan accordingly.
I dropped a black hairband on the floor yesterday. After seeing the state of the floor, I decided to throw it out. Of the hundreds of hairbands that I have owned and lost, this is the only one whose disappearance I am actually responsible for.
I long for November 15th! No, not just because it is the day before the birthday of my beloved siblings...On that blessed day, They will turn the heat on in my building. "And on that day, the Lord said there shall be heat. There was heat, and it was good." The propensity of large organizations (ahem, Drake) to delay the onset of heating buildings until late in the year can be owed to nothing other than wanton cruelty.
Early one Sunday morn, around say 8 in the AM, I was awakened by a loud, repetitive cracking noise. This occurred on a regular basis throughout the next hour of my intended sleeping period. Upon my cab ride home, my suspicions were confirmed. It turned out to be people lighting hundreds of small red fireworks. (Cultural note: This display represents good fortune for the multitude of Chinese couples who enjoy getting married on Sunday mornings)...Oh China!

Final thought:
It's rather easy to forget about the effects of the smoglight until blowing one's nose...or picking it...


ellen d. said...

I'll pop for the chocolate martinis upon your return, Skinny.

ellen d. said...

Silly? I'd invite you too, EKD2.

Aunt Honey said...


Let's see if a technophobe can communicate. Your postings are wonderful. Have you ever thought of a second (OK, make that first) career as a travel writer? You will be well prepared for any diverse workplace, even working someday for a boss who was born on the other side of the international date line. Craig and Csango send their love.

Aunt Honey

Janet said...

Hil. We miss you tons! Jae is talking getting a divorce! We could really use someone with your expertise! Are you picking any chinese? How many kids do you have in your class? Any Janet's in your classes? Zazu's? Sebies? I will write more soon! Did you get a chance to see the real Sebie Cohen. Take a picture! Can you find out about Chabad? It is in Guangzhou. The Rabbi name is Rozenberg! His wife's name is P'nina. Baby name is Michal Take Sebie with you! Love Mom!